Last Call for BTC
There’s a lot still uncertain… but what is for certain is that whoever planned this assassination thought it wasn’t enough to poison him via food in his hotel room. They wanted to blow his head to pieces on live TV in 4k in front of the entire country as a show of power. And missing from 150 yards is incomprehensible and no contingencies were in place.
This is America.
The country we all loved and bought into was gone long before we were born. Only the idea still remains. The veil over the actual situation is still slowly tapering. The good news is those who are good and those who are evil has never been more obvious. The past two weeks have forced many heads to pop out of their holes and clearly declare what side they’re on.
Regardless of who wins the election, the war has only just begun. But remove all doubt… this is war.
Why? The answer to all of life’s whys, is money.
Erik Voorhees had a great piece (on Twitter) earlier today on the national debt. That is the realest threat to the US, far beyond who sits in the White House talking shit on the internet. There has only been one answer, historically speaking, to when a country can’t manage its debt.
War is coming, whether staged or real, but both carry legitimate threats and fears. There will be just enough damage done on American soil to win the support of every single citizen that isn’t completely crazy. But as usual, the crazy ones might be those who get it right in the end.
The next serious war has the US on the losing end, on purpose. This allows for brand new faces across the entire administration, and a perceived “clean slate”. The dollar will be debased into oblivion, so debts can be paid for fractions of pennies on the dollar, before no one uses the dollar anymore at all and it gets replaced by something new. This happens on average every 27 years in other countries. We’ve just had it good our whole lives… but now it’s our turn to suffer.
I don’t want this to happen; but I know history and can do reasonable math. This is the route chosen, and trained eyes can see it from miles away by the policy choices made by the past several federal administrations. Yellen herself has said they intend on inflating the debt away, but the only way the public allows for that is… in war-time.
The same people behind the scenes pulling the strings will remain doing so, and they can repeat this again in another few generations. New America won’t have the same freedoms as the OG USA (maybe that’s what Texas will be renamed to when it secedes). It might take another decade or so for this all to play out. I’d sure love to be wrong, but watch for sign posts leading in this direction. I’ve already spotted half a dozen or so, which led to finally writing this post.
Some of these sign-posts were:
Manufactured crisis in order for support of more money printing.
Tons of fake sympathy to print more money and send it abroad.
Sudden but very calculated decision for hedge funds to begin buying up hard cash-flowing assets instead of speculative trades that go along normal market cycles they control (aka they know a Japan-style crash is coming and are preparing years in advance to turn over their portfolios)
Yellen admitting the plan is to inflate debt away. $35T in debt doesn’t inflate away at 3–4% a year, people.
Studying the currency turnover during the Chinese revolution in the 1950s.
TLDR; Without Bitcoin, you are all unbelievably fucked. Drop the decimal out of Bitcoin entirely. Start learning to think and measure in sats. That’s the only thing within your control.